E-learning – Restorative pigmentation, or how to make a successful COVER on eyebrows


Cover to jedna z trudniejszych pigmentacji nie tylko pod względem techniki  ale również diagnozy problemu. Nie zawsze można wykonać cover,  a nawet są pigmentacje brwi na których cover absolutnie nie może się znaleźć.

Podczas mojej wieloletniej pracy linergistki i trenera PMU wykonałam wiele pigmentacji naprawczych, które pozwoliły mi zdobyć duże doświadczenie abym mogła się teraz nim z tobą podzielić.



Registered webinar Repair Pigmentation, or how to make a successful eyebrow COVER, held on 17/08/2021.


My knowledge and experience without secrets,

100% clear solutions for you.

Cover is one of the most difficult pigmentation not only in terms of technique, but also diagnosis of the problem. It is not always possible to perform a cover, and even there are eyebrow pigmentations on which cover absolutely can not be found.

During my years of work as a linergist and PMU trainer I have done a lot of corrective pigmentation, which allowed me to gain a lot of experience so that I can now share it with you.

During the e-learning I will give you a lot of valuable information so that you do not make mistakes and easily diagnose the problem with which the client came to you:

– You will learn what is a cover

– I will show and discuss eyebrows on which you absolutely can not make a cover.

– You will learn when you can perform the cover.

– What diagnosis to make and what method of repair to choose – cover, laser or maybe remover?

– When do we apply only cover, when cover and target color and when only the target color?

– Once you decide to cover, do you know how many layers of pigment to apply?

– You will learn that oily, vascular, dry skin is very important when choosing a needle and the technique of applying cover.

But that’s not all what I have prepared for you.

An important addition to the theoretical knowledge will be a video, in which I present the cover pigmentation on a model (warming up cool eyebrows). You will see the eyebrows before, immediately after the procedure and the most important effect after healing.

blossom with me PERMANENTLY Ewa Scieszka

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



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